Thursday, July 21, 2011

New Fridge!

When the Mr. and I moved into to our cozy (tiny) apartment, we were just excited to get to live together. But as the newly-wed fog began to clear we were able to see that our economic apartment had some...


1.  The dish washer only does one, super long wash cycle and always does the dish warmer feature whether you are trying to save money or not.

2. The stove is about 2 billion degrees hotter than what the dial says (it's a dials only oven).

3. The washing machine is about the size of a 5 gallon bucket.

and the most terrifying appliance of all?

The 1980s fridge.... there it is... 

If it looks like I'm starting to hoard... don't be alarmed.  Tuesday the maintenance guys came to my door and said, "Your gettin' a new fridge tomorrow at 9!"  So I cancelled my appointment (because they didn't really check to see if I was even going to be home at that time) and began to move furniture around so we could raise the mammoth. 

I also had to clean everything out of the fridge and "pantry" (which consists of several shelves hanging on the wall directly across from the fridge.. oh apartment living), and move it all out of the way.   

I was actually impressed with how much stuff we can fit in our kitchen without it looking cluttered.

There it goes... let me paint you a word picture... two maintenance guys, one dolly, and one gigantic 80s fridge going down the stairs with only about 2 inches of clearance on both sides... epic.

There's the fridge-shaped gap left in my life.  It took another hour and a half for the floor people to come and put down a new kitchen floor (the old one has had a hole in it since they came and inspected the fridge last week, and yesterday the floor guy tore the flooring in half to see what was under it...)

Thankfully, before the floor guys left, they installed this baby! I am so excited!! It is so clean, and white, and COLD! And (drum roll) it has an ICE MAKER! I feel like I've been living in a time warp with my wimpy ice trays (especially when you forget to fill them and sorry, no ice!)

I christened the new appliance with my favorite magnet, and listened to that ice maker roar!


Ila Stuart said...

Yay! I know how exciting that can be!

Anonymous said...

This may sound strange, but I broke my sister's fridge magnet and it's the same Cinderella magnet you have. Do you remember where you got it. I'd like to get my sister a replacement..

Anna said...

True story.. I didn't know how to see my comments till about an hour ago.

My magnet also broke (oddly enough). I got it at Cracker Barrel a couple of years ago.

Sorry if I'm too late! I took super glue to mine!