Saturday, September 10, 2011

I miss my blog...

Well friends...
I guess this is working life...
I hardly cook, clean, or blog.  And not because I don't want to, because believe me, I miss baking a lot.  I want to try pretzels again and maybe this time not suck at it!

However, for right now, this is my view.  My calendar (of which I have two, and somehow still managed to miss a faculty meeting...), my tape and stapler which students always seem to need, and my pencils, which I thought by marking would keep them from being stolen... oh how silly a thought that was...

We went back to Mississippi for Labor Day and had the usual Granny's House fair. Not to mention my dad's smoked tenderloin.  So good! Always tender and delicious! We also managed to meet Tropical Storm Lee head on.  The entire weekend it POURED.  A real "gully warsher" or "frog strangler" if you will.... These are super southern phrases if you are not familiar.  Thankfully we chased the storm all the way back to Florida and didn't see another drop of rain.

However, as soon as we returned it was back to the grind.  I find myself asking every night, how do I teach these kids? How do I get them to care about their education and see their own potential? I hope I am doing everything I should be.  I hope I am not being too hard on them.  I read that I am to keep my standards high, and that some will rise to the occasion.  I just hope they hurry up and rise so I can start sleeping better!

Today I would like to share my recipe for my favorite icing.  I could eat it straight if I knew it wouldn't kill me.  Cream Cheese Icing.  It goes on everything.

Cream Cheese Icing:

1 Stick of butter (and none o' that fake stuff... you know what I mean!)
1 (8 oz.) package of Cream Cheese
A little milk (2-3 tablespoons as needed)
2-3 Cups confectioners sugar
A tiny bit of Vanilla (1 teaspoon or so)

1. Put your cream cheese and butter out till they are room temperature and very soft.

2. Cream the cream cheese and the butter together in a mixer.  Add the vanilla and milk.

3. Start adding your confectioners sugar till it starts to take on the icing consistency.  If it gets to stiff add more milk, if it gets too loose, add more sugar till it's just right.

4. Spread on anything that will hold still and enjoy! Especially some Red Velvet Cake!!

BTW: if you have not read "The Help" I strongly suggest you pick it up. It is a beautiful story, and written by a Jackson, MS native to boot!