Monday, July 25, 2011

Granny's House

I don't remember a time when going to Granny's house didn't fill me with joy and excitement.  My grandparents have a house that sits on several wooded acres in South Mississippi, and every summer when I was younger we would drive over for a few weeks to give my parents a break.

Nowadays, I also make the drive for a break, and some incredible food.

This past weekend was no different!  Granny made a moist German chocolate cake and a wonderful Sunday lunch.

P.S. Granny stops for nothing! So your getting a lot of "action" shots.

Check out that old-school mixer. The bowl spins too, and the on, off, mix, fold, whatever settings are on a dial on the back. I thought it was cool... and it has about 20 more settings than mine. 

I'll have to add the recipe later, because she was bookin' it. I managed to catch the mixer off for just a few seconds before she got back to add more buttermilk. 

Observe her perfect egg whites...

I had to literally run to keep up.  Thankfully, I was in the right place at the right time to get some of that super healthy batter and a look from Mr. Gingerbread that said something like, "what, what, what are you doing?" 

I would have taken a picture of the finished product, but a few things happened. 

1. The cake vanished almost immediately after it was iced (because it was delicious), and 

2. Granny wrapped up the last little bit to send home with us; unfortunately when it rains at Granny's all the ants come up and get in the cars. So when we got home last night, we realized the only reason we hadn't been eaten alive was because the ants realized how awesome that cake was. 

Something else you should know about Granny is that she *must* cook for everyone when they come over, and it can't be some little weenie lunch either. Especially on Sunday.

So she made a "little" lunch.

By a "little" she means rolls, roast with vegetables, corn, potatoes, salad, fried okra, black-eyed peas, home-made gravy, and cake!

The fried okra is easily my favorite side.  It's so good, and actually not as bad for you as the full-on fried okra you would expect.

This is a normal Sunday lunch as Granny's, and I never get tired of it. It's the quintessential home cooked meal. It really does have love in it.  (Notice there's no room for salad on that plate!)

Granny and Grandaddy are extremely generous and warm.  You sit around there long enough and they will tell you all about how things used to be.  How she used to watch her mother and grandmother make the same types of foods when she was growing up.  How he used to skip class for a smoke in the boys' bathroom, till Granny set him straight! 

I love my grandparents, they are two of the most welcoming people.

Just don't bring up medical issues around Granny, you may get more than you bargained for.  

(P.S. Granny said if I married Mr. Gingerbread she would give me these dishes. I'm still waiting, aren't they cute??)

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