Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Chicken in a Pot

oh Monday night...

The beginning of the week, grocery shopping, and my personal favorite - menu planning. I love this part.

I really like picking out new things to try, and this week, it's Chicken in a Pot

It's a healthy meal to start off the week; considering the eventual down hill slide of diet despair that will inevitably follow. It's hard to stay motivated... and bikinis are stupid... 

Anyway, this was a really simple and light chicken recipe.  It has a chicken broth (I used low sodium), tomato, and oregano sauce to cook the chicken in. It also provided me with another opportunity to use some delicious Panko! 

Ya... the crust got a little mangled, but that chicken was slippery. And the smell of this stuff cooking more than made up for it! 

I could have eaten it just like that....

I mean, the chicken looked so good, why pour a sauce over that lovely crust?

Thankfully, it called for mushrooms! I heart those little guys.  

By the way, I was having a bit of writer's block today. Then I saw a Charmin toilet paper commercial and realized nothing could be as bad as "we all go, why not enjoy going!"


After 30 or so minutes of bubblin', this yummy chicken and sauce combo was ready to sit next to my not so exciting mixed veggies... Mondays just don't produce good side dishes... or at least that's my excuse. 

It may not be pretty, but the sauce was very good! 

Tonight it's going to be a celebration salad, because I just found out I will be starting my first teaching job in just over a month!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! I so miss you at my house!!!!!

Ila Stuart said...

Congratulations on the teaching job!!